CAP-VAC Central Vacuum Systems Sales Service Installations
Residential & Commercial


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Disan's commercial equipment works great in a variety of conditions.


Disan’s commercial vacuum equipment has been used in a wide variety of applications including hotels, offices, restaurants, schools, banks, theaters, churches, hospitals, retirement homes, and sport complexes. Essentially any environment that requires thorough, quick, and frequent cleaning can benefit from the professional cleaning power, efficiency, and reliability of a commercial central vacuum system.

A central vacuum system is one of the best ways to effectively remove dirt and debris from any working environment. Clinical studies have revealed that a central vacuum system can significantly reduce indoor air pollution, providing significant relief for allergy sufferers.

Every day several million square feet are vacuumed by Disan central vacuum cleaners in commercial buildings around the world. In our experience, the savings gained from cleaning efficiencies and staff more than justifies the investment in equipment.

Greater efficiency: By eliminating the “down times” – no plugging and unplugging of power cords, cables, and accessories. Simply plug the hose into an inlet and you’re ready to begin vacuuming.

Powerful: Central vacuums are much more powerful than conventional methods. Using a Disan central vacuum system, you can ensure a thorough cleaning with less effort.

Cost Savings: Most surveys on the cost of cleaning a commercial building will tell you that the total cost of cleaning a commercial building will tell you that the total costs are 90% labor and 10% for all supplies, tools and equipment. Therefore, if one is to really try to lower the total cost of cleaning, you must attack the labor cost. To do so, you need to make the labor force more productive—there is no faster way than to give workers the correct equipment and tools.

How It Works: A central vacuum system is composed of a centrally located vacuum producer and dirt separator (or material collector) connected to a vacuum tubing network. Central vacuum systems offer intense cleaning power and, with the help of central vacuum cleaning accessories, they provide users with a simple and effective cleaning solution.

Applications: Central vacuum systems are designed to handle the general cleaning needs of almost any size application. These central vacuum systems are specified according to many different parameters -- number of simultaneous operators, unique installation requirements, accessory needs, etc. -- but by applying sound engineering principles we can help you approach even the most challenging project.

Power Units: Disan’s line of commercial central vacuum equipment is engineered to withstand the rigors of everyday commercial use. These central vacuum cleaners are the result of years of quality Italian engineering and are manufactured to the highest quality standards.

Cleaning Accessories: CAP-VAC offers only the highest quality, most innovative floor care products available on the market. These products have demonstrated the reliability and functionality that is expected in a commercial environment. Our deep catalog of cleaning accessories supported by our engineering, tooling, and manufacturing capabilities permit customer focused solutions. The wide range of specialty tools available for central vacuums make it easy for you to find the right tool for the job. Also, because central vacuums are quiet, cleaning can take place without disturbing clientele or interrupting schedules even during working hours—they won’t even know you’re there.

Installation Material: We supply our network of qualified installers with a complete line of quality installation material for all central vacuum systems. CAP-VAC provides all the pipe, fittings, inlet valves, and installation accessories installers need to approach any commercial project.

Check out Disan's website here.


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CAP-VAC Central Vacuum Systems & Retractable Hose Systems
Richardson, TX 75082 | Phone 972.669.9102 | Fax 972-480-8252